In our quality and environmental policy, you can read about how we work to maintain high quality products while striving to minimize our impact on the environment.
The right product at the right time and in the right place is always be pursued.
At Granbergs, we shall think in terms of total quality, ultimately the CUSTOMER is always the most important link in the chain.
Total quality means how a case is handled by us from the initial sales effort, until we receive an inquiry, and that delivery, installation, and after-work are completed.
Prompt and accurate responses to an inquiry are required. Within all departments of the company, the customer’s best interest must be paramount. Everyone in the company should be fully involved in the company’s continuous efforts to improve our environmental and quality system.
In product development and in planning marketing measures, consideration shall always be given to minimizing possible environmental impact.
We evaluate and continuously develop our environmental initiatives.
When assessing business partners, we shall actively consider environmental efforts as a merit.
Develop products that have minimal environmental impact during manufacturing, usage, and disposal.
Through preventive measures and continual improvements, minimize negative environmental impact.
Enhance quality and customer satisfaction. Utilize raw materials, water, and energy efficiently to reduce environmental impact. Strive for high safety standards for employees at our workplaces and promote a healthy attitude towards the environment concerning our activities.
We shall consider applicable laws, regulations, agreements, directives, and rules as minimum requirements.